Software Contract Solutions

IT professionals distrust their main suppliers, survey shows

IT providers are restricting the ability of businesses to innovate, with many IT pros feeling that suppliers deliver poor value, especially on upgrades, a Cogeco Peer 1 survey reveals. A survey of 150 IT professionals has highlighted distrust of IT suppliers, with many IT professionals believing their IT provider has curbed their ability to use … Read more

What it costs to keep up with Windows 10’s upgrade tempo

Microsoft’s twice-a-year feature updates are a greater burden on companies than the old upgrade-every-six-years pace businesses used to face, according to Gartner Research. Microsoft has given customers all kinds of reasons for why the faster release pace of Windows 10 is a great idea, from keeping pace as technology change accelerates to staying ahead of … Read more

Enterprise cyber threat remediation ineffective, study shows

Enterprise cyber threat remediation needs to improve in several key areas, according to an analysis of common remediation strategies. Common enterprise cyber threat remediation strategies are about as effective as random chance, a study has revealed. Some of the simple rule-based strategies do not perform any better than rolling the dice, according to a follow-up report by predictive cyber risk … Read more

WannaCry’s EternalBlue exploit still a threat

A year after the global WannaCry attacks, the EternalBlue exploit that was a key enabler for the malware is still a threat to many organisations, and many firms have not taken action, security researchers warn. WannaCry is no longer wreaking havoc in the business world, but a year after the malware crippled business operations around the … Read more

What’s new in Microsoft .Net Core

.Net Core 3 will debut in 2019, with the beta expected later this year. Microsoft’s .Net Core, a cross-platform implementation of the company’s .Net development platform, is being readied for its 2.1 release, featuring improvements to build time performance and tools deployment. And Microsoft expects to ship .Net Core 3 in 2019, with the first beta … Read more

Cloud security: The skills gap is delaying cloud migration

Having poor talent is worse than not having the talent at all, and too many enterprises lack both the skills and the talent for cloud security. A new report from McAfee highlights the skills gap when it comes to security in the cloud. The report reveals that one in four organizations using infrastructure as a service (IaaS) … Read more

Cisco embraces Kubernetes, pushing container software into mainstream

Upgrades to Cisco AppDynamics and CloudCenter help troubleshoot problems and deploy apps in Kubernetes clusters. Cisco this week took big steps toward helping customers deploy, monitor and manage on-premises and public-cloud production-ready Kubernetes-based container applications. Kubernetes, originally designed by Google, is an open-source-based system for developing and orchestrating containerized applications. Containers can be deployed across … Read more

Protecting data in a hybrid cloud environment

In an era when ‘data is the new oil,’ protecting your business’ data is a critical element of your storage strategy. Here’s how you can keep your customers’ information – and your own business – safe and sound. The past few months have been incredibly instructive on the critical importance of keeping one’s data safe, … Read more

Microsoft’s latest Windows 10 focuses on IT admins

While it will stop those annoying taskbar InBox and social media messages, at the heart of the April 2018 Windows 10 update is an effort to simplify management. Microsoft has made available the next update to Windows 10, which has a big focus on IT administration and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). From a GDPR and … Read more