Software Contract Solutions

Software Licensing Types Explained

Wisegeek explains software licensing as a type of contract which exists between the person of company who produces a type of software, and the end user, or person who purchases or downloads the software to use. It is created to protect the copyright of the software, and actually restricts the ways in which the end user can … Read more

Is 2018 the year cybercrime becomes mainstream?

The issue of cybercrime was thrust into international conversation last year, but what will the phenomenon look like in 2018? Cybercrime really hit the headlines in 2017, with the likes of WannaCry crippling the National Health Service in May, the Petya/NotPetya ransomware attack infecting global companies shortly afterwards and a whole host of data breaches … Read more

Software Licensing: Unloved and Undervalued, but Critical to Digital Transformation

software licensing

Software licensing is the often-neglected ‘annoying little sibling’ of IT management. Despite the potentially serious consequences of failing to ensure an organisation’s software estate is correctly licensed, it is often seen as a tick-box exercise – rather than a strategic management process. Today, as organisations look to transform their operations digitally, software licensing has never … Read more

Safeguarding your biggest cybersecurity target: Executives

Top execs make big targets, especially when traveling abroad. Here’s how to protect C-level officers from whaling, espionage, and themselves. Senior executives are among the favorite targets of malicious hackers and other bad actors, in part because they are more likely to hold valuable information — or have a high level of access to such … Read more

Microsoft SPE helps joined-up thinking

We assess how Microsoft’s secure productive enterprise licence can help enterprises coordinate their digital transformation. The Microsoft product portfolio can enable digital transformations, but there is no reason to wait three years for your next enterprise agreement (EA) renewal before performing a thorough review of Microsoft’s role in your business technology strategy. Microsoft Secure Productive … Read more

How Cisco’s newest security tool can detect malware in encrypted traffic

Cisco’s Encrypted Traffic Analytics (ETA), which monitors network packet metadata to detect malicious traffic even if its encrypted, is now generally available. Cisco’s Encrypted Traffic Analytics (ETA), a software platform that monitors network packet metadata to detect malicious traffic, even if its encrypted, is now generally available. The company initially launched ETA in June, 2017 … Read more

California set to lose most money to cybercrime in 2018

New study compares FBI Internet Crime data with insurance stats to reveal the states most at risk from cybercrime. New research by Website Builder Expert, the online resource for creating and launching a website, has revealed the states which are set to lose the most money to cybercrime in 2018. The study compares data from the FBI’s … Read more

New IDC report forecasts huge growth for IoT


In case you’re still not sure about the viability of the Internet of Things (IoT) as a business concept, some new findings from research firm International Data Corp. (IDC)—predicting significant growth for the market in the coming years—should be convincing. In addition to a rise in investments in IoT products and services, the IDC research … Read more

Reading Between Oracle’s Lines


Oracle’s most recent financial report reveals some hints about its future. Oracle has posted some very impressive numbers as its cloud computing products and services have taken off, and the recent Q2 reporting is a fine reference point. From the company’s announcement of its Q2 results: Cloud Software as a Service (SaaS) revenues were up … Read more

Full Disclosure Applies to Internal Security Too

internal security

If you’ve been keeping up with the news, you’ve probably noticed a few recent reports about companies that may have been a little less than candid about security issues. For example, we recently learned that Uber experienced a breach in 2016. As we’ve also learned from subsequent press reports, the company may have paid the … Read more