Software Contract Solutions

How Oracle tackles licensing discrepancies

Oracle audit

Using Oracle products? Then this is an article you must read. A 2016 Paris court ruling has recently come to light, revealing the extent to which software supplier Oracle will go in licensing disputes with its customers and approved Oracle implementation partners. The Paris Court of Appeal ruling from March 2016 illustrates the tactics the supplier used against a … Read more

Microsoft drops a pay-as-you-go Azure cloud option

Azure licensing

Starting in February, new Azure customers will be sent to Microsoft’s Cloud Solution Provider program in lieu of the MPSA-based pay-as-you-go license. Microsoft is shifting its licensing for its Azure cloud service, eliminating the pay-as-you-go option for new Azure customers using MPSA (Microsoft Products and Services Agreement) as of Feb. 1. Instead, they will be … Read more

Top tips to avoid a costly Office 365 subscription bill

Office 365 cost

The Office 365 cloud-based productivity suite is Microsoft’s next strategic platform. This is why we thought that the article below may be of interest for you. In its latest quarterly Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing, Microsoft reported that its office commercial products and cloud services revenue had increased by 5%, thanks to Office 365 commercial … Read more

Critical software licensing pitfalls to avoid when moving to the cloud

software licensing in the cloud

Thinking about moving to the cloud? We found an article to help you cope with the software licensing challenges and avoid paying more than you should.\ Enterprise IT data center managers have moved past a good number of obstacles and fears in order to begin running production workloads in the public cloud. Lifting and shifting … Read more

7 tools for cutting through software legalese

software licensing terms

EULAs got your eyes swimming? Head spinning from open source licensing terminology? We found this amazing article with resources to help you get the straight dope. And if things are still unclear, you know where to reach us for professional help. Do you enjoy wading through the minutiae of software licenses, be they EULAs (end-user … Read more

What the new era in software licensing could look like

future of software licensing

We found this article and thought it might be interesting for any enterprise that wants to plan software spend for the long haul. For most of the history of enterprise software, the model for how organisations have purchased applications has largely been the same. The perpetual license has dominated, whereby companies pay the full price of … Read more

How to minimise risk during Microsoft’s software licensing reviews

Microsoft software audit

If you have invested a lot in Microsoft software, this article will help you prepare for a licensing review and ensure that you don’t lose any money. If you need more info or help on this topic, reach out to one of our consultants.  As with any organisation, as Microsoft approaches the end of its … Read more

Software audits: How high tech plays hardball

software audit

Software audits can be scary. And they WILL happen. “If you buy it, they will come”. But if you have the right consultants in your corner, things will be much easier. When the software audit request came from Adobe two years ago, Margaret Smith (not her real name) thought it was business as usual. As … Read more

Software asset management: reducing IT costs

reduce software licensing costs

If software goes unmanaged for an extended length of time, costs will not only spiral, but any future efforts to digitally transform your organisation will become that much harder – when it comes to software asset management, a stitch in time saves nine. Here are four practical ways that CIOs can reduce IT costs through … Read more

Cisco Rolls out Cisco Enterprise Agreement for Software

If you are a Cisco client, this concerns you directly. Check out the information below and let us know if you need any help navigating this brave new Cisco world. Software is now dominating IT spending. My research shows that the combination of SaaS and on-premises software is now a $650 billion market that has … Read more