Software Contract Solutions

Pros and cons of cloud storage

Easy scalability and pay-per-usage pricing are two of the draws of enterprise cloud storage. Potential drawbacks include management complexity and security concerns. Everything seems to be moving to the cloud these days, so what about storage? Is it time to unplug those expensive data center storage appliances and migrate all of that data to the … Read more

Windows 10X: Train wreck in slow motion – or the future of Windows?

Microsoft hasn’t said much about Windows 10X – and what it has spelled out so far leaves the company’s plans unclear. Is 10X the next version of Windows 10? Or a dead end? If you’re a resolute Windows watcher, you may have heard about Windows 10X, the new version of Windows Microsoft has been cooking … Read more

Google Docs vs. Microsoft Word: Which works better for business?

Has Docs caught up to Word as an enterprise productivity application? We compare the two word processors to see which wins in today’s online environment. Have you been thinking of reassessing which word processor your business should standardize on? The obvious choices are the two best known: Microsoft Word and Google Docs. But which is … Read more

11 ways to cut hidden fat from your IT budget

As the economy takes a turn and IT budget forecasts slip downward, it’s time to tighten up your technical stack — before the CFO comes calling. When times are good, the harvest is full, the granary bins are overflowing, and it’s easy for an enterprise to gorge freely. When times turn hard and revenue evaporates, … Read more

Gartner: IT spending will drop 8% as COVID-19 hits enterprise wallets

Gartner forecasts spending on data-center systems will be hit hardest in 2020. Gartner this week said that IT spending across the globe is projected to total $3.4 trillion in 2020, a decline of 8% from 2019 due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In January Gartner had forecast Worldwide IT spending to total $3.9 trillion in 2020, an … Read more

5 tips for leading IT from home

Leadership is being redefined in quarantine as IT executives find themselves overseeing IT operations from home. Here’s how to lead your department from a distance. More people are working remotely than ever before as a result of worldwide shutdowns due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This puts executive leaders in the awkward position of leading from … Read more

Cisco spotlights new IT roles you’ve never heard of

A Cisco report on IT trends says new jobs to address changing IT needs include business translator, network guardian and network detective. The future of IT networking jobs is being shaped in part by the current demands created by the way businesses handle the COVID-19 situation but also by the rapid change in the way … Read more

Review: 5 top videoconferencing services put to the test

A comparison of Zoom, Cisco Webex, Microsoft Teams, GoToMeeting, and Google Meet in real-world tests to see which videoconferencing platforms perform best for business users. Here’s how they stack up. As COVID-19 keeps office workers at home, businesses in every country are having to find new ways to help their employees stay in contact with … Read more

How enterprise networking is changing with a work-at-home workforce

As the coronavirus spreads, public and private companies, as well as government entities, are requiring employees to work from home, putting unforeseen strain on all manner of networking technologies and causing bandwidth and security concerns. UPDATE 4.3 In an April 2nd call with the Federal Communications Commission chair, the nation’s largest telecom and broadband providers reported network … Read more

The CIO’s coronavirus playbook: 7 tips for surviving the crisis

Don’t let the coronavirus crisis cripple your company. Follow this CIO survival guide to the pandemic. The coronavirus holds no quarter for humans, with its merciless march punishing businesses worldwide. Desperate to flatten the COVID-19 curve, employees toil from home, straining remote work operations. “Pandemic” may not have been on the CIO’s contingency list, but … Read more