Software Contract Solutions

Cloud repatriation rescues CIOs from mounting costs

The public cloud is a boon for getting applications up and running in a jiffy, but some CIOs have found that business agility comes at a premium and are rethinking their deployments via repatriation. The public cloud offers the potential for better business agility, but offloading critical computing resources has a darker side. Some IT leaders … Read more

Microsoft claims ‘inflection point’ for remote work as Teams surges to 44 million daily active users

Microsoft adds a range of features, including noise suppression for video calls, on Teams’ third anniversary. Demand for Microsoft Teams has surged to 44 million daily active users, the company said on Thursday, with an additional 12 million users in the past week as workers across the world begin to work from home in response … Read more

Private cloud reimagined as equal partner in multi-cloud world

Cloud-first has become the guiding principle for application modernization and migration. Cloud-native is the mantra for application development. And hot technologies like containers, microservices and serverless computing are all associated with the public cloud. So, where does that leave the private cloud? Private cloud – typically an on-premises data center that enterprises are attempting to retrofit with virtualization, automation, self-service, … Read more

Enterprises spend more on cloud IaaS than on-premises data-center gear

More than half of servers are sold to hyperscale data-center operators such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google and Facebook. Enterprise tech crossed a significant line as the decade ended. For the first time, enterprises spent more annually on cloud infrastructure services than on data-center hardware and software, according to Synergy Research Group. Synergy reports that total spending on cloud infrastructure services … Read more

A glimpse at Apple’s 2020 vision

Among other things, smart vehicles, immersive AR/VR environments and edge-based device intelligence will drive Apple’s new decade. Apple patents granted in the final moments of 2019 shine a little light into its plans for the next decade. What the patents say Apple won 31 patents on Dec. 31, 2019. Three are of particular interest: A passenger safety … Read more

IoT in 2020: The awkward teenage years

The internet of things will see more growth in 2020, along with more growing pains – security, lack of complete solutions. Much of the hyperbole around the Internet of Things isn’t really hyperbole anymore – the instrumentation of everything from cars to combine harvesters to factories is just a fact of life these days. IoT’s here to … Read more

What’s hot for Cisco in 2020

Experts expect that Cisco will focus on building-out cloud, SD-WAN and security in 2020. As the industry gets ready to gear up for 2020 things have been a  little disquieting in networking land. That’s because some key players – Arista and Juniper in particular – have been reporting business slowdowns as new deals have been smaller than … Read more

10 future trends and how CIOs can keep ahead in 2020

After years of digital disruption and uncertainty, the future enterprise is finally coming into focus. Here’s a look at what’s ahead for IT organizations. The noted science fiction author William Gibson could have been talking about the state of digital enterprises when he said, “The future is here — it’s just not evenly distributed.” While … Read more

How cloud providers’ performance differs

The 2019 ThousandEyes Benchmark report shows that not all cloud providers are created equal across all regions. Not all public cloud service providers are the same when it comes to network performance. Each one’s connectivity approach varies, which causes geographical discrepancies in network performance and predictability. As businesses consider moving to the cloud, especially software-defined … Read more