Software Contract Solutions

License Compliance and Renewal Optimization Services

At SCS, we apply a full life cycle approach to:

Understand and optimize our clients’ environments

Use this new baseline drive negotiations and take the power back from vendors

Unlock Optimal Pricing and Terms with SCS

SCS provides software license ultilization reviews and alignment services to ensure costs are aligned to actual usage to avoid unnecessary fees.

Industry data shows that most companies not using on average as much as 40% of the software in their licensed portfolio that they are paying for.

This gives us an opportunity to work with our clients to align their fees to the actual usage and value gained from their software.

SCS Software Audit Services

Let SCS help you take control of your next software audit — SCS is your tactical contract and remediation specialist! SCS can help you conduct an internal audit before providing information to a vendor or their designated third-party auditor (e.g., KPMG, Deloitte).

SCS looks at your software configuration in the same manner the vendor approaches your infrastructure to ensure you have the answers to the expensive questions the vendor will ask during an audit.

If you have already received a non-compliant audit report from your vendor, we can offer you a second set of eyes, which can significantly lower the cost of the vendor’s identified violations.

Proactively Manage Your Environment Prior to Receiving an Audit

Software audits are extremely stressful and expensive. Audits strain your corporate environment by monopolizing your employees’ time, preventing them from doing their “regular” jobs.

A tremendous amount of anxiety is created in the days leading to an audit, which stymies overall productivity.

Then there is the financial strain of receiving a financial assessment of the audit findings!

Audit Strategy, Renewals, and Negotiation

It is common that companies are uncertain of their license compliance position. As a matter of fact, vendors are counting on it! Having an audit strategy developed and ready for implementation is the most effective way to handle an audit.
Use the experience of SCS to your benefit! We have completed audits for clients in a variety of business verticals.

It is important to gain control of the narrative and not allow the vendor to take the lead. SCS will work with you to formulate an effective communication strategy. Knowing what and when to share will mitigate financial risk and exposure.

Do you have a large renewal coming due?

Many of our clients rely on SCS for utilization assessments prior to large renewal negotiations. For example, we have been involved with large I BM ESSO assessments that show non-utilization in the 50% range. This shelfware costs companies millions of dollars and adds hundreds of millions of dollars to the bottom line of vendors!
Renewal time is the perfect opportunity to right size agreements. If you are over deployed, renewal time presents an opportunity to make corrections BEFORE a vendor is aware that there are any violations.
SCS will counsel you to obtain the best pricing and terms & conditions for the unique needs of your organization