Software Contract Solutions

How to choose the best desktop-as-a-service solution

With the future of work moving from office cubicles to the home, DaaS is becoming a more attractive choice than ever. Thanks to the pandemic, working from home no longer languishes as a rare option for a few workers. It’s mainstream business practice. Just ask Google, Facebook, Netflix, or the U.S. government: They’re all either delaying … Read more

Back to the future: Microsoft moves to push Windows 10 users to the cloud

Like the idea of Desktop-as-a-Service rather than trying to manage thousands of users desktops at home? Microsoft has some advice for you. As the months and years go by, Microsoft keeps steadily moving away from its old model of PC operating systems, which started with buying Seattle Computing Products’ 86-DOS, aka Quick and Dirty DOS in July … Read more

Odds are we’ll all soon move to Desktop-as-a-Service

With the coronavirus pandemic forcing more people to work from home, it’s becoming clear, we’re doing a lousy job of protecting our PCs. The only real answer: Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS). I know how to secure my PCs. I’ve never fallen victim to a phishing attack; gotten infected by a worm; been maligned by malware. But then … Read more