Software Contract Solutions

Top enterprise data center trends you need to know

Enterprise data-center pros are embracing cloud services, growing high-speed networks, enabling remote workforces, and adopting automation and AI. Data-center networking was already changing prior to the technology challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, and few areas of the enterprise will continue to be affected more than data centers by those modifications in the future. That’s … Read more

Enterprises spend more on cloud IaaS than on-premises data-center gear

More than half of servers are sold to hyperscale data-center operators such as Amazon, Microsoft, Google and Facebook. Enterprise tech crossed a significant line as the decade ended. For the first time, enterprises spent more annually on cloud infrastructure services than on data-center hardware and software, according to Synergy Research Group. Synergy reports that total spending on cloud infrastructure services … Read more

Top 10 data center predictions

data center predictions

Smarter infrastructure, workload rationalization, as-a-service procurement on tap for data centers worldwide. The lifecycle of a data center is measured in decades, yet the tech that’s inside is changing constantly. “Today’s data centers are really out of sync with the equipment that’s inside them. It would be like using the enclosure for a 1984 Macintosh … Read more