Software Contract Solutions

Government cybersecurity agency warns of Windows Server exploit

Rare warning from CISA instructs government agencies to patch a vulnerability in a core authentication component of Active Directory from Windows Server 2008 to Windows Server 2019. The federal government’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) has issued a rare emergency directive to federal government agencies to roll out a Windows Server patch within days, an indication … Read more

Windows Server vulnerability disclosed by NSA; don’t wait to patch

The National Security Agency warns the Windows vulnerability allows attackers to evade protections and deliver executable code while appearing as legitimate entities. Microsoft’s monthly Patch Tuesday included a hefty haul of fixes: 49 total, and one of them is more than just critical. For enterprises running Windows Server 2016 and Server 2019, it’s vital you … Read more

Windows 10 glitch delays Windows Server 2019

So far, there’s no issue with Windows Server 2019, but because it shares a code base with Windows 10, and Windows 10 has a problem, Microsoft has made the server unavailable for download until it clears things up. Microsoft is recommending that those who have downloaded Windows Server 2019 should not install it until the … Read more

Microsoft adds resiliency, redundancy, security to Windows Server 2019

Windows Server 2019 upgrades enable greater scalability and more reliable recovery from outages for Shielded Virtual Machines. With Windows Server 2019, Microsoft is adding resiliency and redundancy enhancements to the Shielded Virtual Machines security controls it introduced with Windows Server 2016. Shielded VMs originally provided a way to protect virtual machine assets by isolating them … Read more

Top 6 Features in Windows Server 2019

A preview of Windows Server 2019 adds features for hyperconvergence, management, security, containers and more. Because Microsoft has shifted to a more gradual upgrade of Windows Server, many of the features that will become available with Windows Server 2019 have already been in use in live corporate networks, and here are half a dozen of the best. … Read more