Software Contract Solutions

How AI will underpin cyber security in the next few years

Cyber security risks are growing in complexity and volume, but artificial intelligence techniques can help businesses track and fight them in real time. Cyber criminals continue to launch increasingly sophisticated and devastating attacks on industrial, business and financial organisations around the world – and the damage from such crime could reach $6tn by 2021, according … Read more

Securing the future: The evolution of cyber security in the wake of digitalization

cyber security in the era of digitalization

With threats becoming more complex, moving from basic attacks against one device to complicated attacks against every device on an organisations network, traditional security simply isn’t enough in the age of digitalization.  Thinking back 30 years, heads of IT had a comparatively enviable task when it came to cyber security. Although the job was by … Read more

How to negotiate a Cisco Enterprise Agreement that works for you

Cisco EA

Cisco Enterprise agreements can provide long-term benefits and savings, but they must be scrutinized carefully case-by-case to see if they make sense. Cisco Enterprise Agreements (“EAs”) are becoming an increasingly popular vehicle for purchasing and consuming software products and services from Cisco. The general concept is that – rather than purchasing individual software products and associated … Read more

How to protect an organisation: 5 cyber security tips

At the beginning of each new year there is no shortage of information security predictions and warnings. As we move further into 2018, Corey Nachreiner, CTO at WatchGuard Technologies takes stock and identifies five key issues to look out for. 1. IoT botnets will force governments to regulate In 2016, the Mirai botnet showed the … Read more

Open-source pitfalls: Understand the license before you commit

Open-source software is great, but proceed with caution. Done well, and with a properly thought-out strategy, it can be a powerful arsenal in your toolset. But done wrong, it can be a security risk and a giant waste of time, energy, and resources. Everyone, from developers all the way up to the C-suite, needs to understand the key concepts … Read more

How to achieve a healthy, balanced relationship with your ERP provider

Observing the enterprise software market today is like observing a major relationship crisis where one side is failing to listen to the other. It appears that suppliers are unrelentingly pushing their customers to move to the cloud. Their customers want to move to the cloud too, but not to rip and replace their perfectly functioning back-office systems … Read more

Ransomware was most popular cyber crime tool in 2017

Ransomware attacks on business increased by 90% in 2017, while attacks on consumers leapt by 93%, according to the latest annual state of malware report by security firm Malwarebytes. The monthly rate of ransomware attacks was up to 10 times more than in 2016, with September 2017 having the largest volume of ransomware attacks against businesses ever documented. … Read more

Cisco adds new capabilities to its IBN infrastructure

Cisco has advanced its intent-based networking gear so now it can both verify that networks are actually running according to the intentions set by admins and also so it can help to find and resolve network problems faster on both wired and wireless networks. Cisco has advanced its intent-based networking gear so now it can … Read more

Robots are needed to manage the automation robots

The next decade will see robots transform from invisible forces obeying our commands to lifelike objects interacting with humans on a daily basis. Getting most business services requests completed should be as easy as asking HAL 9000 to open the pod bay door in the classic Stanley Kubrick film 2001: A Space Odyssey. Before HAL malfunctioned, that … Read more

Cisco HyperFlex prepares businesses for a hybrid, multi-cloud world

Cisco HyperFlex

Cisco HyperFlex 3.0 includes several new features that let businesses migrate to a hybrid, multi-cloud model and maintain visibility, application performance and scalability. It’s been a busy hyperconverged infrastructure (HCI) week for Cisco. Yesterday it announced its intent to acquire secure HCI vendor, Skyport Systems. Today it announced HyperFlex 3.0, which is the biggest update Cisco … Read more