Software Contract Solutions

Game of Clouds: Lock-In Is Coming

“Born-in the Cloud” workloads might be designed to be platform-agnostic now, but that doesn’t mean it will always be the case, as hyperscalers like Amazon Web Services and Microsoft Azure continue to add specific and unique functionality to their hosted services. The evolution of the consumer cloud has been tied to the services that the major … Read more

Cisco exec airs 2019 cloud directions

Cisco finds Kubernetes, legacy application integration and edge computing technologies are among cloud growth showgrounds. Kubernetes, legacy application integration and edge computing technologies are but a few of the technologies Cisco sees as having some of the greatest impact on cloud computing in 2019. Cisco aggressively ramped up its own cloud presence in 2018 with all manner of … Read more

Gartner: Cloud, enterprise software to drive global IT spending increase

Spending on enterprise software, particularly cloud services and applications, is expected to grow faster than any other category of IT this year, fueling an overall increase in global spending on technology. If you have any doubts that digital transformation is top of mind for IT executives, just take a look at what they’re buying. Spending on enterprise … Read more

How Microsoft won and Apple didn’t lose

The end of the year offers a chance to compare the two companies which most strongly symbolize the tech industry through the years. These two are like George Clooney and Russell Crowe. They’ve been around forever, yet still somehow manage to do enough to recalibrate themselves for a new generation. Sometimes, their work verges on … Read more

What’s driving IT budgets for 2019

Technology leaders weigh in on where IT spend will shift, with many companies focusing on infrastructure, security, and user experience. The majority of IT leaders expect their 2019 IT budgets to increase or remain unchanged, driven largely by the need to upgrade aging infrastructure, accelerate a shift to the cloud or improve the employee experience … Read more

What makes Microsoft tick?

Microsoft has morphed into an interesting blend of practicality and aspiration these days. Here’s what that meant for the company in 2018 and how it could shape Redmond in 2019. As 2018 comes to a close, it’s interesting to watch various parties attempting to analyze the reasons behind Microsoft’s “comeback.” It’s the change in culture, some argue. … Read more

10 predictions for the data center and the cloud in 2019

What will 2019 hold for data centers and the cloud, both public and private? Here are our educated guesses. It’s that time of year again, where vacations are planned, going to the mall looks like something out of “Braveheart,” package theft from doorsteps is rampant, and people try their best not to offend. In other … Read more

What will be hot for Cisco in 2019?

Software, SD-WAN, security, high-speed data-center networking, and more software fill up the Cisco hot plate for 2019. Software, software, and more software. That seems to be the mantra for Cisco in 2019 as the company pushes software-defined WANs, cloud partnerships, improved application programs, and its over-arching drive to sell more subscription-based software licenses. As the … Read more

Gotcha pricing from the cloud pushes workloads back on premises

After the initial rush to the cloud, many firms are discovering it’s not cheaper and are taking workloads back to their data centers, a Nutanix survey finds. A new survey by cloud software vendor Nutanix finds that most firms are embracing the hybrid model, but few have actually achieved it. And many are shifting their … Read more

5 digital transformation trends for 2019

Expect companies to scale-back their Big Bang change rhetoric in favor of a more iterative approach to innovation, a shift to product management, and renewed efforts around operational efficiency. CIOs are suffering from digital transformation fatigue, but not just because the phrase has been overused to describe nearly any IT modernization effort. As it turns … Read more