Software Contract Solutions

Amazon, Google, and Microsoft take their clouds to the edge

As enterprises ramp up edge computing deployments, the big three clouds are ponying up a surprising array of edge options for a broad range of needs. It might surprise you to learn that the big three public clouds – AWS, Google Could Platform, and Microsoft Azure – are all starting to provide edge computing capabilities. It’s puzzling, … Read more

What is SASE? A cloud service that marries SD-WAN with security

Secure access service edge is a Gartner model for streamlining network access, improving security, boosting network performance and reducing the number of vendors and devices IT pros have to deal with. Secure access service edge (SASE) is a network architecture that rolls software-defined wide area networking (SD-WAN) and security into a cloud service that promises simplified … Read more

Why you should look beyond the big 3 cloud providers

There are appealing enterprise options beyond AWS, Azure, and GCP, but buyer beware — not just any cloud service qualifies. The cloud has, for the most part, become a commodity. Most enterprise cloud workloads require a small variety of hardware. After all, how many organizations are actually doing quantum computing or even AI training workloads … Read more

8 tips for avoiding IT staff burnout during a pandemic

IT leaders get creative managing remote tech teams working from the confines of home offices. Here’s how they alleviate burnout that threatens to crater WFH life. Never before have the pros and cons of working from home become more obvious than in 2020, as the coronavirus initiated a mass exodus from corporate offices worldwide. In … Read more

Cisco CEO to accelerate as-a-service offerings, cut costs $1B-plus

Cisco plans to rely more heavily on selling products as services and will make 10-figure cost reductions to deal with a FY2020 revenue drop of 5% that it blames on COVID-19. When you think of Cisco, the first thing that comes to mind is switches the size of a refrigerator, but on the company’s Q4 … Read more

7 steps to prepare IT for a second-wave COVID-19 outbreak

Lessons learned to date promise to help IT weather a second round of COVID-19 lockdowns this winter. Following a few basic suggestions could spell the difference between a trouble-free transition to remote teams and a viral meltdown. While the COVID-19 outbreak is far from over, even more trouble may suddenly arrive in the not-too-distant future. … Read more

Economic slowdown will force CIOs to redress SaaS pricing

Businesses will need to work more efficiently and spend less, which means CIOs will need to forge new value-based partnerships with IT suppliers. Many businesses will struggle to recover economically, which will inevitably lead to job cuts as companies try to reduce their operating costs. Earlier in June, CBI director general Carolyn Fairbairn said: “The government’s … Read more

3 things the pandemic taught us about cloud computing

Many enterprises are learning some hard lessons they did not even know existed four months ago. We’re in a recovery now, and at some point, things will be back to near normal…hopefully. We learned that some businesses fared better than others during the upheaval. Nine times out of ten, those businesses leveraged cloud successfully to … Read more

COVID-19 fallout: Q1 enterprise data center sales dip, but public cloud grows

Q1 saw hyperscalers turning to colocation providers for extra capacity at the edge, while enterprises spent less on data-center hardware and software. This should come as no surprise, but spending on data-center hardware and software dipped in Q1 and cloud sales grew, but neither as much as you would think. Q1 figures from Synergy Research Group show … Read more

Odds are we’ll all soon move to Desktop-as-a-Service

With the coronavirus pandemic forcing more people to work from home, it’s becoming clear, we’re doing a lousy job of protecting our PCs. The only real answer: Desktop-as-a-Service (DaaS). I know how to secure my PCs. I’ve never fallen victim to a phishing attack; gotten infected by a worm; been maligned by malware. But then … Read more